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Handycafe cybercafe management software
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To run HandyCafe after the set-up procedure, Username and Password are needed. For the first time, these were defined as default and can be changed by the user at any time. If customers have inquiry to users, they can communicate via Messaging or redirect to a website. The app comes with client update and immediate retrieval of license information to their registered email. Even if home gaming is more popular today, some customers still tend to rent computers.
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HandyCafe can help internet cafe owners to manage their computers easily. Tracking of prints from the server Performing printer processes Reporting of print results to the customer The open control is a built-in feature in this version as well It is possible to broadcast commercials as full screen on monitors of all client PCs This broadcasting module supports all kinds of media formats Changes Tracking of prints from the server Performing printer processes Reporting of print results to the customer The open control is a built-in feature in this version as well It is possible to broadcast commercials as full screen on monitors of all client PCs This broadcasting module supports all kinds of media formats Author's review With HandyCafe you can correctly manage your cybercafe.
Thanks to the firewall feature, your computer will be completely protected against harmful web based attacks. You can access all computers in your network directly with HandyCafe's remote control system and make all the changes you need without moving from your desk.
Handycafe cybercafe management software
HandyCafe lets you open individual accounts for all cashiers and employees and give authorization as you wish. You can also report all revenues of cashiers and processes at any time. HandyCafe has a design that enables you to monitor and manage all computers totally or individually. You can automatically supervise the printer in your internet cafe while your customer is using it, and then price the process.
HandyCafe makes your timing process for other income provider tools and games like PlayStation, Backgammon, Billiards, Chess, etc.