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This Facebook page is an interactive platform for all those who own Sony products, are planning to buy gadgets from Sony or plainly in love with Sony for all re The rules here are very simple: - We welcome and encourage opinions, thoughts, comments, critiques, questions, suggestions about Sony products and services shared by our users. However, we strongly discourage the use of abusive language, profane words, derogatory speech in what so ever manner. Such comments will be immediately deleted from our page without any prior intimation to the author and such profile may even be banned from accessing Sony India fan page.
Any such post, comment or discussion will be deleted immediately. Also any copyright or intellectual infringement concerns arising hence forth will be the sole responsibility of the consumer who posts such content.
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Consequently, we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure this page is not disrupted or abused in any way. For service related inquires or concerns, please directly get in touch with our official toll-free helpline at or drop a mail to sonyindia. Our service team shall be glad to check on your concerns and assist you further. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the computer.
Cue the video to the beginning of the video footage to be transferred. Start the video capture software on the computer.
Begin playing the recorded video in the camcorder. Begin importing the recorded video with the capture software.
LINK port on the digital camcorder. Exposure Parameters Exposure Modes.
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White Balance White Balance. Shutter Max Shutter Speed. Optical Sensor Camcorder Sensor Resolution. Full-size performance in a tiny body Full-size performance in a tiny body by Joshua Goldman.
One of the top entry-level action cams gets even better One of the top entry-level action cams gets even better by Joshua Goldman. DJI Osmo Pocket is a supersmart, fully stabilized point-and-shoot camera.
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